About Me
Hi, I’m Christina and I run Fish 2 Photography. I live in Penwortham with my husband Rob and our two slightly crazy children. I’ve lived and worked in Preston most of my life, although we’ve moved around the area a bit so I know a lot of Lancashire really well and I absolutely love living here.
I always knew I wanted to do something creative; it was my everything, even at primary school. I attended Runshaw College where I did a GNVQ in Art and Design and I loved the photography part of the course - back in the good old film days; no digital cameras then! I had annoyed my parents for years, taking photos of ruins on our holidays, so to discover that this could be a real job was surprising and amazing.
After Uni I worked in various creative roles; at the BBC, as a model maker on a Sci-Fi show, at a marketing agency amongst others. By 2008 I was utterly fed up of making the best of jobs that were almost-not-quite-nearly what I wanted to do, and I decided to make a change. I was single, I had no responsibilities holding me to my job, so I thought ‘screw it!’ and that’s how Fish 2 Photography was born.
I specialise in branding, interior and commercial photography. I work with local businesses to create the perfect photography for them. I call it ‘photography filled with personality’, and as the old adage goes: ‘people buy from people’ - so really showcasing who you are and what you do as a business helps clients to understand your products, services and values. I believe photography is uniquely powerful in creating visual connections that enhance clients' experiences of your business.
I look forward to meeting you and working together.